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Tired of going to gym alone? Having a hard time finding enough people to play basketball? Have been secretly curious about how the guy next dorm build his six-packs? Want to see who is ballin in your school’s basketball court? SporNet has got you covered!

1. Pin your real-time exercising location to find other sports buddies nearby!

2. Press “Search Nearby” to find out who are the hidden sport gurus (masking themselves as commoners) around you!

3. Go hard with your gym selfies and see who is the “hottest” among your friends! Yup, a pun here.

4.Check out our ranking list to see who are the sport tycoons in basketball, soccer, fitness, yoga and running. Connect and show them your mad admiration!

Currently we are only open to great Boston Area University but don’t feel you are being left out! We will let you know as soon as we extend to your school! Please stay tuned!

If you have any concerns or questions, or simply want to say hi, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected] .